while reading through the forums I came acros this
post. In it there was a post of CE that you can add a vertical scrollbar to a static text widget by calling the function setVerticalScrollbarEnabled(true). So I tried this in my Lua script
Code: Select all
where Root/ConsoleWindow is a static text widget
and I get the following error in the CEGUI.log
Code: Select all
18/12/2006 15:16:38 (Error) Exception: Unable to execute Lua script file: '../datafiles/lua_scripts/consoleGui.lua'
[string "../datafiles/lua_scripts/consoleGui.lua"]:62: attempt to call method 'setVerticalScrollbarEnabled' (a nil value)
Have the scrollbars been taken away from the static text again? Or am I doing something wrong. I am using CEGUI 0.5