Thanks for the input
I actually implemented what I said earlier with regards to the lib prefix and stuck it in beta1-devel branch. You can take a look at that if you like, obviously this can still be changed though. I am also going to be modifying the Win32 names to be CEGUITaharezLook and CEGUIWindowsLook, which brings them in line with the Linux names.
The new scheme file for TaharezLook widgets starts like this:
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<GUIScheme Name="TaharezLookWidgets">
<WindowSet Filename="CEGUITaharezLook">
Ideally, it will be possible to use this same xml file for specifying the module to be loaded on all platforms, and have the system find the module in some appropriate manner.
I'm not sure if having a path specified in there is a solution, unless it were to be relative to some point common for all platforms.
Apparently, there's still some work that needs to be done here