How to use CEGUI with .NET?

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How to use CEGUI with .NET?

Postby dedesite » Mon May 05, 2008 16:13

Hi all,

I'm developper on French amateur game project called Mital War. I just join the project in order to help them (there is already 4 developpers at work) to solve problem with CEGUI.

We use IrrlichtDotNet and CeguiDotNet cause the game is developped in C#. The problem is that CeguiDotNet is apparently bug, so I'm looking for other solutions.

Do you think that is possible use the C++ library compile in C++ managed code into a .NET application?
Or could we use lua and call it in a .Net application?

Thanks for your help,

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Postby MrDoom » Mon May 05, 2008 16:46

By CeguiDotNet, do you mean this?

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Postby CrazyEddie » Mon May 05, 2008 17:48


To answer your actual question; I do not believe that the system will compile with the managed extensions enabled, and this is not something we would be able to support - although if you were to get it to work, please do let us know :)

As far as CEGUI# goes, I think the project is in a fairly dormant state at the moment (although not entirely dead, mind you).


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Postby dedesite » Wed May 07, 2008 08:43

Thanks for your repply ;).

@MrDoom : Yes I mean this.

@CrazyEddie :
I do not believe that the system will compile with the managed extensions enabled

Hum, that's what I was thinking about...

EDIT : I've looked in the sources for Windows (not the SDK) and I didn't find any Visual Studio project. Is there a way to find them?

As far as CEGUI# goes, I think the project is in a fairly dormant state at the moment (although not entirely dead, mind you).

It's the problem, the project is nearly inactiv and some bugs arren't fix. Some dev in MitalWar's team have tried to fix them but without succes. That why I'm here, but I don't know what to do :p.

I'll post if I find a solution.


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Postby scriptkid » Wed May 07, 2008 15:25

dedesite wrote:I've looked in the sources for Windows (not the SDK) and I didn't find any Visual Studio project. Is there a way to find them?

You're looking for the premake files, please have a look here: ... on_Windows
Check out my released snake game using Cegui!

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