renderer-rewrite-devel: Demo error

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Re: renderer-rewrite-devel: Demo error

Postby CrazyEddie » Mon Apr 20, 2009 12:06


I think that the branch compiles on MSVC++, though I can't remember. The only reason it wouldn't compile is if I'd made changes on one of the other platforms and not re-tested (this actually holds true for all branches, all the time, on all platforms - it's pretty easy to break something without realising it!).

The basic method for MSVC++ is to get the appropriate dependency package from the downloads page and unpack that so that the directory 'dependencies' is within the svn directory you checked out. You then need to place a copy of the premake executable either in your path or in the makefiles/premake directory (note: this should be premake 3.6, there are issues with later versions). Also in the makefiles/premake directory, you then edit the config.lua file as needed to set options, and execute the appropriate batch file(s) for your compiler - then load the solution and build (change the config you build first, since it defaults to Debug_Static, which is probably not the first choice you want). Once it's built you'll probably need to copy the dependency dlls from dependencies/bin into the main 'bin' directory before the samples will run.

A question: since this code was merged into trunk, is there some reason you're using this branch as opposed to the main svn trunk (perhaps you want the old directory layout?)? Obviously you're free to use whichever branch you like, I was just wondering whether there was some compelling reason.



PS It's up to you if you want to create a new topic, probably not worth bothering now unless / until you have a new issue.

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Re: renderer-rewrite-devel: Demo error

Postby nooby » Mon Apr 20, 2009 13:08

Actually I would like to use/create effects such as Woobly windows and so on.
Apparently I can do this only with renderer-rewrite-devel branch isn't it?


I have this error want I run .bat file:
Z:\CEGUI6.2\renderer-rewrite-devel\makefiles\premake>premake --file samples.lua
--target vs2005
** samples.lua: samples.lua:7: module 'helpers.lua' not found:
no field package.preload['helpers.lua']
no file '.\helpers\lua.lua'
no file 'Z:\CEGUI6.2\renderer-rewrite-devel\makefiles\premake\lua\helper
no file 'Z:\CEGUI6.2\renderer-rewrite-devel\makefiles\premake\lua\helper
no file 'Z:\CEGUI6.2\renderer-rewrite-devel\makefiles\premake\helpers\lu
no file 'Z:\CEGUI6.2\renderer-rewrite-devel\makefiles\premake\helpers\lu
no file '.\helpers\lua.dll'
no file 'Z:\CEGUI6.2\renderer-rewrite-devel\makefiles\premake\helpers\lu
no file 'Z:\CEGUI6.2\renderer-rewrite-devel\makefiles\premake\loadall.dl
no file '.\helpers.dll'
no file 'Z:\CEGUI6.2\renderer-rewrite-devel\makefiles\premake\helpers.dl
no file 'Z:\CEGUI6.2\renderer-rewrite-devel\makefiles\premake\loadall.dl
** Script failed to run, ending.

Press any key to continue . . .

'depedenties' directory is in \CEGUI6.2\renderer-rewrite-devel\ directory

Edit2: Sorry! With premake 3.6 it works!

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Re: renderer-rewrite-devel: Demo error

Postby CrazyEddie » Mon Apr 20, 2009 18:33

nooby wrote:Actually I would like to use/create effects such as Woobly windows and so on.
Apparently I can do this only with renderer-rewrite-devel branch isn't it?

As already mentioned a couple of times, that code is now merged into svn trunk which is where all future development and bug fixes will be done - the renderer-rewrite-devel branch was mainly to enable me to get to a semi-usable state before merging in, and the branch has now served it's purpose.

Note however that trunk has a different directory layout than the previous branches - although largely this is inconsequential for the majority of users so long as you point the compiler to the right places.


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Re: renderer-rewrite-devel: Demo error

Postby nooby » Tue Apr 21, 2009 08:49

Ok sorry I'm an idiot I thought that "trunk" meant the "0.6.2b version"!
Ok I'll now download the SVN trunk and do my things on it!

Thank you very much!

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Re: renderer-rewrite-devel: Demo error

Postby nooby » Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:29

It seems that it misses some .xsd files in datafiles folder.
When I try to make, I have and errors saying that have I no rule for these files.
So I copied/paste these files from xml_schemas folder to the right folder as it works now.

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Re: renderer-rewrite-devel: Demo error

Postby nooby » Tue Apr 21, 2009 17:07

Excuse me for borring you ... again! :(
But I tried to rebuild CEGUI 0.6.2 but I change some variable such as PATH.

Now I have this problem:
CEGUI::GenericException in file CEGUIDynamicModule.cpp(99) : DynamicModule::DynamicModule - Failed to load module '': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
An exception was thrown within the sample framework:
DynamicModule::DynamicModule - Failed to load module '': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I tried to fix it for hours but now I feel I'll have a nervous breakdown! :(

My variable PATH

As you can see I don't 'make install' in the original directory(/home/nooby/CEGUI6.2/CEGUI/local/).

Please Help me! Thank you!

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Re: renderer-rewrite-devel: Demo error

Postby CrazyEddie » Tue Apr 21, 2009 18:26

With reference to the .xsd issue, this was a sync issue with the build systems - I have now removed the references to those files from the

For the module loading error, it seems that it's picking up the trunk version libraries (evidenced by the mention of .so files with the 0.6.9999 suffix). You can't mix and match 0.6.2 and trunk (0.6.9999) - they are a million miles apart as far as compatibility goes. If you're going to mess with multiple versions of CEGUI you absolutely must ensure you properly isolate the versions - especially when subsequently linking them with client code.

Don't forget that for dynamically loaded libraries / modules, it's LD_LIBRARY_PATH that's significant and not PATH (as opposed to the wxWidgets issue, which was the other way around!).


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Re: renderer-rewrite-devel: Demo error

Postby nooby » Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:15

Thank you, it works :) !

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Re: renderer-rewrite-devel: Demo error

Postby nooby » Sun Apr 26, 2009 12:17

Hello! :D
Now I want to build trunk on VS2005 as I said before but when I try to run it I have these linker issues:

1> Création de la bibliothèque ../../../../lib/CEGUISampleHelper_d.lib et de l'objet ../../../../lib/CEGUISampleHelper_d.exp
1>CEGuiD3D9BaseApplication.obj : error LNK2001: symbole externe non résolu "__declspec(dllimport) public: static class CEGUI::String const CEGUI::RenderingSurface::EventRenderQueueStarted" (__imp_?EventRenderQueueStarted@RenderingSurface@CEGUI@@2VString@2@B)


2>------ Début de la génération : Projet : Sample_Demo7, Configuration : Debug Win32 ------
2>Édition des liens en cours...
2>Sample_Demo7.obj : error LNK2019: symbole externe non résolu "__declspec(dllimport) public: __thiscall CEGUI::RenderEffect::RenderEffect(void)" (__imp_??0RenderEffect@CEGUI@@QAE@XZ) référencé dans la fonction "public: __thiscall MyEffect::MyEffect(void)" (??0MyEffect@@QAE@XZ)

What does it mean?

Sorry it's in french but I think you can understand.
Thank you!

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Re: renderer-rewrite-devel: Demo error

Postby nooby » Sun Apr 26, 2009 18:20

Oki it's good!
I fix the issue!
I had to first build CEGUI solution then CEGUISample solution!
But some files missed so I copy/pasted it free the VS2005 SDK!


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