today i finally to deside try the workaround,i set a very long string which is the most used characters list contains 2500 characters to a multiline editbox,to try to avoid the serious lag which nearly one second per character when displaying user inputed text like chat messages.
and soon i was defeated by this:
sorry for the chinese characters you may not read,it means "a unhandled exception at 0x62cbbcf8 in VWD.exe:0xc000005:access collision when reading 0x00b51000".this is happen at the setText(),finally i think this workaround will not work for me.
and even it works,i have to pre render 2500 characters and every one take one second before my application can really start...i really think this is will destory my user`s patient.
one thing makes me a little hope is,i still use 0.6.2,so all i want to know is:about the issue of unicode character display lagging,is it be considered as a important problem?is is already sloved in 0.7,or will be sloved soon?