The main way to go here is to get an understanding of how we produce some of these various types within CEGUI. For example, looking in the scheme file for TaharezLook, we have the following lines:
Code: Select all
<FalagardMapping WindowType="TaharezLook/Button" TargetType="CEGUI/PushButton" Renderer="Falagard/Button" LookNFeel="TaharezLook/Button" />
<FalagardMapping WindowType="TaharezLook/ImageButton" TargetType="CEGUI/PushButton" Renderer="Falagard/Button" LookNFeel="TaharezLook/ImageButton" />
The key information in these lines is the TargetType attribute - in this case CEGUI/PushButton. Now, this is the concrete Window based class that is being used, and this is what provides the event functionality. So, to conclude... In this case you still use CEGUI::PushButton, since this is the core type that the specific types are being bound to. Or to put it another way, "TaharezLook/Button" and "TaharezLook/ImageButton" are just skins over the same old PushButton type.