CEGUI Callback

For help with general CEGUI usage:
- Questions about the usage of CEGUI and its features, if not explained in the documentation.
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CEGUI Callback

Postby dehseth » Mon Aug 09, 2010 08:54

Hi everyone,

I am using Irrlicht and I am new to CEGUI. I would like to know if there's a global callback function in CEGUI. Let's say I created a window put two textboxes and two buttons in it. I saw a register event sapmle code to call if a pushbutton is clicked:

Code: Select all

PushButton * baglan = static_cast<PushButton*>(System::getSingleton().getGUISheet()->getChild("Root/Anamenu")->getChild("Root/Anamenu/Button1"));

What I need is to subscribe all events. Is there a callback in CEGUI which I can register in my code and CEGUI calls back every time an event occurs regaredless of the type of object and event? If there isn't why :D

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Re: CEGUI Callback

Postby CrazyEddie » Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:21

No, this is not available. The reason being is that I think monolithic handlers like that (i.e. MS Windows WndProc type things) are horrible, promote poor coding practices and I'll have no part of it ;) I'm aware there are fans of this approach, but for CEGUI it will never happen - sorry :D


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Re: CEGUI Callback

Postby dehseth » Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:30

Maybe this would be a good time to reconsider it. As you said some people (like me) would like to use it. It'd be nice if we have choices :)

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Re: CEGUI Callback

Postby Jamarr » Mon Aug 09, 2010 16:38

I would like to hear the reasoning behind wanting to use a monolithic event handler. Because I am having a hard time coming up with any worth while merits...
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