0.7.1 dependencies source

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0.7.1 dependencies source

Postby joewan » Thu Aug 26, 2010 09:50

Hi all,
Now I have downloaded the CEGUI source 0.7.1 for vs2005 and pre-compiled dependencies.

The problem is that I can compile the CEGUI and samples normally, but I can not run the samples in the debug build(can run in the release build).
I find that the dependencies was compiled with 8.0.50727.4032 DebugCRT, but my environment is 8.0.50727.762 DebugCRT, it causes that the CEGUI_d.dll I compile from source needs two DebugCRT(4032 and 762).

So I hope that CE can supply us with the dependencies source.
Any suggestion will be grateful.

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Re: 0.7.1 dependencies source

Postby CrazyEddie » Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:52

The following topic, from the linked post onwards gives you all the answers you need - you might have looked at this when it came up in your search (you did search, didn't you?): viewtopic.php?p=23950#p23950

The original issue is likely that you do not have the ATL update installed(http://support.microsoft.com/kb/973544/), which is why you get the version conflict.
Dependencies source will never happen, more so now that I'm the only dev on the project, since I do not even use Windows for development.


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Re: 0.7.1 dependencies source

Postby joewan » Fri Aug 27, 2010 03:21

CrazyEddie wrote:The following topic, from the linked post onwards gives you all the answers you need - you might have looked at this when it came up in your search (you did search, didn't you?): viewtopic.php?p=23950#p23950

The original issue is likely that you do not have the ATL update installed(http://support.microsoft.com/kb/973544/), which is why you get the version conflict.
Dependencies source will never happen, more so now that I'm the only dev on the project, since I do not even use Windows for development.


Before I post this topic, I have installed this update pack and solved this problem.
I think this is not a good solution(one project has two debugcrt Dependencies). Now I have to compile the dependencies source by myself.
Thanks for your suggestions anyway.

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Re: 0.7.1 dependencies source

Postby CrazyEddie » Sun Aug 29, 2010 09:16

I'm not sure how the fact that you're choosing to use an outdated runtime version is my problem (did I understand the situation correctly?). All I try and do is provide everything that's built with the latest versions in order to cater to the majority, because that's what the majority are going to have - all the security and other updates applied.

It's these types of issue that make me give me serious thought to dropping MSVC++ support completely. It's nothing but a source of issues and headaches for the likes of me, since I do not develop on Windows.


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Re: 0.7.1 dependencies source

Postby Jamarr » Mon Aug 30, 2010 20:40

or only offer pre-compiled binaries that are statically-linked against the MSVC libs so that it does not matter what they have installed (sure package will be larger, but so what); and have the cegui libs default to static-link the MSVC libs as well (so by default are compatible with the deps). sure, you have to deal with other projects defaulting to using dynamic-linking but is that your problem? or theirs? (answer: it is their problem). with all of the binary compatibility issues with M$ libs I do not understand why projects even consider supporting / defaulting to dynamically link against them. it is just too much headache imo.
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Re: 0.7.1 dependencies source

Postby CrazyEddie » Tue Aug 31, 2010 08:29

I agree about the endless headaches, for sure. I don't agree about static linking the runtime, because as you know, overall I'm not a fan of static linking ;)

However, here I find myself stuck between a rock and a hard place :evil: So, for the next dependency release, who knows what I'll do! :P


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Re: 0.7.1 dependencies source

Postby Jamarr » Tue Aug 31, 2010 17:28

I guess you could also just make a note of the VC runtime version for the pre-compiled binaries and stick that in some kind of read me file (perhaps as part of the build process) and leave it up to the user to figure out what they need...
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Re: 0.7.1 dependencies source

Postby CrazyEddie » Thu Sep 02, 2010 08:29

Yeah, I honestly thought all the talk of SP1 and ATL fix here and elsewhere would be enough. The other thing is that even after people know the particular runtime the precompiled stuff uses, we still get people whining.

In the past I've used libs where there are no dependencies provided, whether precompiled or otherwise; you had to go out get the source from wherever you could find it and compile. Here we are providing two alternative configurations (dynamic and static), yet it's not good enough. Truly, I despair. If some of the people posting on the CEGUI boards represent the current / future level of 'talent' in the industry, something is very seriously wrong, and God help us all ;)


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Re: 0.7.1 dependencies source

Postby Jamarr » Thu Sep 02, 2010 17:50

:lol: I can say with the utmost certainty that the CEGUI boards are not representative of the current or future levels of talent in the industry. Those players have almost no need for help forums. However, it is somewhat representative of the future of the industry, that being: more and more less-educated (in terms of development) and less-technically minded players trying their hand at the table. Some of them have actually made small fortunes, particularly in the mobile scene. Also, as tools and libraries become easier to use, the more inexperienced players those tools and libraries attract. It may be annoying, sometimes severely, but overall I think it is a good thing. It definitely shows that the CEGUI community is still growing. We've certainly had some nice code-contributions come in recently, and it appears others are slowly becoming more willing to contribute.

These users also help make the library easier to use, by pointing out views or approaches those too close to the project may not be able to see. Sometimes I really do want to blow up at their ignorance, demands/expectations, lack of reasoning skills, or their arrogance (and sometimes it is deserved) but those are usually few and far between. It is easy to get caught up in the mess, so I try to step back and think "well maybe this person is only 12yr old, but genuinely wants to develop something", "maybe this person is under a lot of stress, or is perhaps on drugs, and is unable to communicate without sounding like an a*hole", "maybe this person cannot afford proper education, and does not understand the concept of 'searching' for information", "or perhaps they are just an a*hole". In any case, one can start to feel pity for them, which means you may be able to post /something/ without shoving their head up their...

Ok, maybe I dragged on a little there. This is in no way directed at the OP, I am merely ranting a bit. Apologies for de-railing the thread :rofl:
If somebody helps you by replying to your thread, upvote him/her as a thanks! Make sure to include your CEGUI.log and everything you tried when posting! And remember that we are not magicians!

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Re: 0.7.1 dependencies source

Postby CrazyEddie » Sun Sep 05, 2010 08:53

Although your post has nothing much to do with dependencies, every part of it contains the absolute truth. I have to agree 100% with what you say.

I'll also add that my own frustrations definitely show through more than perhaps is desired, although I do find this is less detrimental to my overall mental state and productivity than what I did for most of the time previously, which was to bury those frustrations for months at a time :roll: Though I do try and let it be known that - in general - my rantings and "noob abuse" should not be taken to heart! :lol:

Thanks for a great post :D

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