git access

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Re: git access

Postby Jamarr » Thu Sep 30, 2010 21:29

I have not attacked anyone here, so I am not sure why you feel the need to attack me. You misquoted your reference and gave a negative impression of a product for which you know nothing about. I simply corrected you on this matter and asked that you not spread negative feelings towards a product you obviously have not used. I do not think that I have overstepped any personal boundaries here. Perhaps you have misinterpreted something. The term "fanboyism" is simply a state of mind that has clearly been presented here. A definition:

Wikipedia wrote:Fanboy is a term used to describe a male who is highly devoted and biased in opinion towards a single subject or hobby within a given field. Fanboy-ism is often prevalent in a field of products, brands or universe of characters where very few competitors (or enemies in fiction, such as comics) exist.

If you read this thread, without first jumping to conclusions, you will see this clearly. No one has presented a single objective reason why <their VCS> should replace SVN here. All of their reasoning is "because I like it." I merely stepped in to clarify their misinformation and throw a bone to another option (Bazaar). I never said Bazaar was better than Mercurial or Get, although I did present some objective information in Bazaar's favor. That hardly constitutes me as being a Bazaar fanboy. I use Mercurial on a daily basis - in fact, far more than I use Bazaar. And I have been quite happy with it thus far, although it does fall short in some areas - as they all do.

As far as Steve is concerned, I never called him a fanboy. I said that he was obviously biased towards popular VCSs. Those are two completely different ideas. And if I had read an article in which Steve was being a fanboy, I would have no qualms accusing him as such. Being at the top does not give free you from judgement.

Perhaps you hold negative connotations towards the word "ignorant"? I do not know why people hold such negative feelings towards this word. A definition:

Lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about something in particular

I think you missed the point of my response. I (we) can appreciate your posting the reference to Steve's comparison of Mercurial and Git - but the misinformation is a detriment to the discussion. I do not want to argue any further over misunderstandings - but if I somehow offended you feel free to PM me and I am sure we can resolve this civilly.
If somebody helps you by replying to your thread, upvote him/her as a thanks! Make sure to include your CEGUI.log and everything you tried when posting! And remember that we are not magicians!

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Re: git access

Postby jacmoe » Thu Sep 30, 2010 22:07

I am using SVN, Mercurial and Git myself.
Have used Bazaar one or two times.
So I am not really a Bazaar expert by any means.
Haven't had any need to use it more.
I don't think there's anything wrong with narrowing down the choices of a DVCS to those widely used.
Steve could have chosen to use FootSwamp or something, because that fit the bill perfectly.
But if no one is using it? :)

What I find interesting is seeing how close Git and Mercurial was rated - and I haven't found a more thorough evaluation anywhere else.
Have you?
Of the most popular DVCSs, I mean.

I am not offended.
(And I hope that I didn't offend you)
Was a fanboy in my twenties. Now, 20 years later, I am not. :D

If Paul is content using SVN, why change?

Unless CEGUI development means branching and merging and backporting, there is no immediate gains from switching to a DVCS.
In my opinion.
But if it does, Git/Mercurial/Bazaar would make this a whole lot easier and more intuitive, and thus save time, effort and help preserve sanity. :wink:

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Re: git access

Postby CrazyEddie » Fri Oct 01, 2010 09:05


I've actually been using Mercurial locally for my work on the new layout editor tool, though I would not call this a valid evaluation, since I've only used the very basic functionality. I've not used either git nor bazaar (aside from grabbing some code from a git repo).

As for branching, merging, and such... We do use branches - especially for highly volatile and experimental stuff - and this of course means that we do, also need to merge and occasionally back port things. Largely, with SVN, this process is mostly painless, yes, there are occasional conflicts, though as I understand it the other options are not completely free from potential conflicts either. Of course there have also been a couple of times when a merge has been so difficult, that I thought I'd wrecked the thing completely - it would have been really interesting to know how those experiences would have been different with one of the other options.

So... basically, I'm still evaluating ;) If a change occurs it will likely be when work begins in trunk for 0.8.0, because again there will be lots of changes which will cause conflicts when merging, so if I decide that another VCS would make that easier, a change will likely occur ;)


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Re: git access

Postby MarkR » Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:50

Just a sidenote about merging, I'm using git in combination with p4merge, the Perforce merging tool, which can be integrated easily (just call "git mergetool" on any conflict and you're ready to go). This is the most perfect combination I found so far. Even if git finds a conflict, it may be automatically resolved by p4merge.

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