After which I just tried to compile the TreeDemo.sln file as I wanted to see the output (I was planning to make a CEGUI Menu).
I did the same for that project alone, included the necessary libraries and dependencies.
Till then, I had one error which was: " CEGuiSampleHelper_d.dll was missing from your computer. "
If any wants to know, I'm using MSVC 2008 Professional Edition. My ogre version 1.7. CEGUI Version 0.7.5.vc9. Windows 7 - 64 bit OS.
I linked every plausible thing which they needed to be included, this includes all the libraries and stuff.
This is what I found in my build log when compiling CEGuiSamples.sln.
Code: Select all
Output Window
Creating library ../../../../lib/CEGUISampleHelper_d.lib and object ../../../../lib/CEGUISampleHelper_d.exp
CEGuiD3D9BaseApplication.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _Direct3DCreate9@4 referenced in function "protected: bool __thiscall CEGuiD3D9BaseApplication::initialiseDirect3D(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int,bool)" (?initialiseDirect3D@CEGuiD3D9BaseApplication@@IAE_NIII_N@Z)
Win32AppHelper.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _c_dfDIKeyboard
Win32AppHelper.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _GUID_SysKeyboard
Win32AppHelper.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _DirectInput8Create@20 referenced in function "public: static bool __cdecl Win32AppHelper::initialiseDirectInput(struct HWND__ *,struct Win32AppHelper::DirectInputState &)" (?initialiseDirectInput@Win32AppHelper@@SA_NPAUHWND__@@AAUDirectInputState@1@@Z)
Win32AppHelper.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _IID_IDirectInput8A
../../../../bin/CEGUISampleHelper_d.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 5 unresolved externals
Any idea what are those errors? Please help me!
Also, compiling CEGUISamples is to get the CEGUISampleHelper_d.dll yes?
All help is greatly appreciated, thanks.