I just found CEGui and want to implement it in my DX11 engine. Unfortunately, I get an error in ceguistring.h when trying to compile.
The VS error is as follows:
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d:\development libraries\cegui-sdk-0.7.5-vc10\include\cegui\ceguistring.h(1257): error C2589: '(' : illegal token on right side of '::'
d:\development libraries\cegui-sdk-0.7.5-vc10\include\cegui\ceguistring.h(1257): error C2059: syntax error : '::'
in the following code:
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size_type utf8_stream_len(size_type num = npos, size_type idx = 0) const
using namespace std;
if (d_cplength < idx)
CEGUI_THROW(out_of_range("Index was out of range for CEGUI::String object"));
size_type maxlen = d_cplength - idx;
return encoded_size(&ptr()[idx], ceguimin(num, maxlen));
The error relates to the last line. Any idea why this would happen?
This is the code I am trying to compile:
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bool MyCeGui::Init()
m_renderer = &CEGUI::Direct3D11Renderer::bootstrapSystem(g_Renderer.GetD3D11Device(),g_Renderer.GetImmediateContext());
CEGUI::DefaultResourceProvider* rp = reinterpret_cast<CEGUI::DefaultResourceProvider*>(CEGUI::System::getSingleton().getResourceProvider());
return true;
Thx for any help