For help with general CEGUI usage:
- Questions about the usage of CEGUI and its features, if not explained in the documentation.
- Problems with the CMAKE configuration or problems occuring during the build process/compilation.
- Errors or unexpected behaviour.

Moderators: CEGUI MVP, CEGUI Team

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Postby JohnBoyMan » Thu Aug 25, 2011 22:23

Hello. I have been using cegui in my ogre3d game for some time now. I have never had this happen before. I all of a sudden get a message saying this when i click on one of my buttons. I haven't changed the cegui code for a long time so i don't know why this is all of a sudden popping up. I noticed that it happens every second time that i load my game. Its like its still loaded in the memory from the last time my game was run. Do ya need to delete or deconstruct cegui when you close the program>?

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Postby Jamarr » Thu Aug 25, 2011 22:46

JohnBoyMan wrote:I have never had this happen before...I haven't changed the cegui code for a long time...all of a sudden

Magic is not real. :hammer:

Do ya need to delete or deconstruct cegui when you close the program>?

No. The operating system will automatically reclaim all memory. You only need to concern yourself with deleting objects if you want to minimize memory consumption during runtime and/or you are using RAII or some similar technique. :wink:

I all of a sudden get a message saying [CEGUI::ALREADYEXISTSEXCEPTION] when i click on one of my buttons.

This exception is only thrown when you try to construct one of CEGUI's singletons and an instance of that singleton already exists.

I noticed you did not post your CEGUI.log file. This may tell us/you which singleton is throwing the exception; remember you are supposed to post this file anytime you post an issue on these forums.

You should also wrap all relevant CEGUI code in try/catch blocks so that you can catch and handle any exceptions that are thrown; for example in this case it would be useful to display the message (description) associated with all CEGUI exceptions.

Is there any particular reason why you did not simply debug and/or step into the application code yourself at the time the exception is thrown? In most cases you can look at the debug (symbols) callstack and find the issue without much trouble. And in fact we typically ask for the debug callstack when assisting users in analyzing runtime exceptions.

Unfortunately I cannot offer much more assistance, as you neglected to do and/or post information gathered from these sources. However, if you can gather this additional information we may be able to further assist you. :pint:
If somebody helps you by replying to your thread, upvote him/her as a thanks! Make sure to include your CEGUI.log and everything you tried when posting! And remember that we are not magicians!

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Postby JohnBoyMan » Fri Aug 26, 2011 01:42

Where is the cegui log? i'm sorry i have never had to look in it.

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Postby Kulik » Fri Aug 26, 2011 08:03

JohnBoyMan wrote:Where is the cegui log? i'm sorry i have never had to look in it.

This is your first topic so we will be forgiving, otherwise I would have down voted you already (you obviously haven't read the guidelines). However read the link Jamarr posted, it's all there. We don't have all day to guide you through everything.

Thanks for understanding

PS: Compare the quality and length of Jamarr's post and your posts... Next time make sure you take your time to write quality questions, we are much more likely to bother answering those!

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