I'm trying to compile using the precompiled sdk 0.7.5 for MinGW.
The compilation works fine but i'm having trouble on linking operation.
Here is the error :
undefined reference to `_imp___ZN5CEGUI14OpenGLRenderer6createENS0_17TextureTargetTypeE'
I'm having this error on the following line:
Code: Select all
To install the GUI library, I added the include path of cegui include folder and its dependencies include folder.
I linked following static debug library files in this order :
- CEGUIBase_Static_d
- CEGUIExpatParser_Static_d
- CEGUISILLYImageCodec_Static_d
- CEGUIFalagardWRBase_Static_d
- CEGUIOpenGLRenderer_Static_d
- expat_d
- freeglut_d
- pcre_d
EDIT: It seems i forgot to add CEGUI_STATIC. But now, i have an undefined reference to gl functions. Do I have to download openGL library ? -lGL doesn't work at all :/