Trouble getting CEED to run - filelineedit error

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Trouble getting CEED to run - filelineedit error

Postby robs » Mon Aug 13, 2012 19:55

I get this error when trying to run CEED (following the wiki instructions):

Code: Select all

QGtkStyle was unable to detect the current GTK+ theme.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./ceed-gui", line 89, in <module>
  File "./ceed-gui", line 73, in main
    app = application.Application(split_qtoptions, args.debug)
  File "/home/rob/CEED/ceed/", line 61, in __init__
    from ceed import settings
  File "/home/rob/CEED/ceed/settings/", line 27, in <module>
    from ceed.settings import interface
  File "/home/rob/CEED/ceed/settings/", line 24, in <module>
    from ceed.settings import interface_types
  File "/home/rob/CEED/ceed/settings/", line 24, in <module>
    from ceed import qtwidgets
  File "/home/rob/CEED/ceed/", line 27, in <module>
    import ceed.ui.widgets.filelineedit
ImportError: No module named filelineedit

I'm not familiar with Python, but I don't see anywhere that defines filelineedit.

I get this either running from mercurial or the #10 snapshot code. What am I missing?


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Re: Trouble getting CEED to run - filelineedit error

Postby Kulik » Mon Aug 13, 2012 22:14

Read the docs, troubleshooting in user manual in particular.

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Re: Trouble getting CEED to run - filelineedit error

Postby robs » Tue Aug 14, 2012 16:10

Thanks, I did overlook that line in the Wiki page.

I don't see anything resembling a user manual though. Is there one? Because I am stuck trying to create a layout. I loaded in the TaharezLook files as a test, but there are no widgets in the selection list besides the default 5. !?

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Re: Trouble getting CEED to run - filelineedit error

Postby robs » Tue Aug 14, 2012 16:21

I had to reload the resources again to get the widget list to show up. Still curious if there is more documentation.

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Re: Trouble getting CEED to run - filelineedit error

Postby Kulik » Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:10

There is, see the "doc" folder. I ship PDFs in releases, in mercurial you have to build them yourself. Install lyx and run ./maintenance build-docs

There is also a menu entry called "Help" in the app, visible at all times! I really don't know how to make this easier to find...

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Re: Trouble getting CEED to run - filelineedit error

Postby robs » Wed Aug 15, 2012 14:24

Those menu items are definitely easy to find, but they did nothing and I had just assumed the documentation wasn't written yet. I've been trying to pretend I'm a graphic designer to see if it's usable for a non-programmer. :)

I would strongly suggest having a build step for CEED, or automatically creating the docs and compiling the ui components at run time if you want people to use the Mercurial version. Or at least add the documentation command to the README and wiki page.

Thanks for the help!

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Re: Trouble getting CEED to run - filelineedit error

Postby Kulik » Wed Aug 15, 2012 14:38

robs wrote:Those menu items are definitely easy to find, but they did nothing and I had just assumed the documentation wasn't written yet.

Also, don't assume, report instead! I would never add menu item entries that did nothing, why would anyone do that?
EDIT: You most likely use some GNU/Linux distro, the Help options most definitely always worked for you. Very odd. Could you report your Qt version?

robs wrote:I would strongly suggest having a build step for CEED, or automatically creating the docs and compiling the ui components at run time if you want people to use the Mercurial version. Or at least add the documentation command to the README and wiki page.

People who can't figure this out probably shouldn't use the Mercurial version, they are extremely unlikely to figure out how to compile and install all the deps too.

Adding the command description to wiki is something anybody can do, so feel free :-) I also accept patches and pull requests so adding it to README is possible as well.

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Re: Trouble getting CEED to run - filelineedit error

Postby robs » Wed Aug 15, 2012 15:00

I've got qt-4.8.2 (Fedora). Now that the PDFs are built, the menu items work fine to bring those up.

My experience is that most built in help functions either never seem to work or aren't very helpful even if they do. But that's just my experience, glad you think that is ridiculous also.

You are familiar with your project, but I'm just starting, so I'm not confident enough to be making patches or editing the wiki yet! :)

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Re: Trouble getting CEED to run - filelineedit error

Postby Kulik » Wed Aug 15, 2012 15:06

Patches can be rejected if they are wrong, wiki edits can be undone.

Everybody has to start some way :) Don't worry about changing things, it's not rocket science anyways. Community contribution to docs is extremely important, I have no idea what people are struggling with, I have written the thing and it mostly seems trivial to me.

That said I am not forcing you to do anything, just saying that it's a possibility if you want to help this project.

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