Moving the OGRE renderer

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Moving the OGRE renderer

Postby _mental_ » Tue Feb 08, 2005 03:27

There has been some discussion between the OGRE developers to whether it would be best to move the CEGUI OGRE renderer into the OGRE code base. This is mainly due to the fact that you need to compile OGRE and install, compile CEGUI and install and finally re-compile OGRE and install.

I just wanted to check to see if you had any objections to this.

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Re: Moving the OGRE renderer

Postby CrazyEddie » Tue Feb 08, 2005 09:17

No, I have no objections.

Are we talking about a copy of, or a total transplant? A total transplant would be easier to manage since otherwise we end up in a situation where we get two different versions of the same thing.

Also, would the time frame for this be for Ogre 1.0 / CEGUI 0.2.0, or are we talking about somewhere down the road?


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Re: Moving the OGRE renderer

Postby _mental_ » Tue Feb 08, 2005 14:49

I'm talking about a complete transplant since there's no point maintaining two copies of the same source. I'd like to do this before we release OGRE 1.0 so I was planning to do it on the weekend. How does this match up with your 0.2.0 release schedule?

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Re: Moving the OGRE renderer

Postby CrazyEddie » Tue Feb 08, 2005 15:05

Yep the weekend is fine.

I had intended releasing 0.2.0 at the weekend, but the basic idea is for this release to contain all changes needed to properly support Ogre 1.0; the work on the resource groups I did today and moving the renderer module over to the Ogre code base would both fit in this category - so the following weekend (~19th Feb) would do fine for the 0.2.0 release.


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Re: Moving the OGRE renderer

Postby _mental_ » Sun Feb 13, 2005 23:30

Ok the OGRE renderer has been removed on the release-0_2_0 branch.

CE: Do you want write access to the OGRE CEGUI renderer in OGRE CVS just in case you want to make changes?

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Re: Moving the OGRE renderer

Postby CrazyEddie » Mon Feb 14, 2005 09:19

_mental_ wrote:
CE: Do you want write access to the OGRE CEGUI renderer in OGRE CVS just in case you want to make changes?

That would be great, as it would save you guys a lot of messing around with patches and the like; although I can do that if needed ;)


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Re: Moving the OGRE renderer

Postby Mistaril » Mon Feb 14, 2005 16:09

I'm all for this. ShortHike is currently in a limbo as I'm waiting for both 1.0.0 final and 0.2.0 to get released. Currently there isn't a working combination of OGRE 1.0.0 and CEGUI released, if you want to stay away from CVS. This should decouple the releases for both of them making it easier to stay updated on both. :)

Thanks guys for such a great project!

Edit: Actually, where can I find a version of the OgreGUIRenderer at the moment? I was unable to locate it in Ogre CVS?
Kai Backman, programmer, Space Settlement Simulation Guild

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Re: Moving the OGRE renderer

Postby _mental_ » Mon Feb 14, 2005 17:50

CE, I'll get that setup tonight then. This will also give you read access to the rest of developer CVS so you won't have to wait for changes to propagate to anonymous. :hammer:

Mistaril, its currently in Samples/Common/CEGUIRenderer.

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Re: Moving the OGRE renderer

Postby CrazyEddie » Mon Feb 14, 2005 19:36

Mistaril wrote:
I'm all for this. ShortHike is currently in a limbo as I'm waiting for both 1.0.0 final and 0.2.0 to get released.

No more changes are planned in the release-0_2_0 branch except updates to the auxiliary files and updating the OS X build. With any good fortune I should be able to get 0.2.0 out late this week, or more likely, at the weekend.

_mental_ wrote:
CE, I'll get that setup tonight then. This will also give you read access to the rest of developer CVS so you won't have to wait for changes to propagate to anonymous. :hammer:

Cool, thanks. Have a :pint: on me.


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Re: Moving the OGRE renderer

Postby Exsortis » Tue Feb 15, 2005 00:16

CrazyEddie wrote:
No more changes are planned in the release-0_2_0 branch except updates to the auxiliary files and updating the OS X build. With any good fortune I should be able to get 0.2.0 out late this week, or more likely, at the weekend.

Just committed OS X changes on release-0_2_0 branch:

- added OpenGL renderer
- removed Ogre renderer
- added a couple of recently-added files to the project


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Re: Moving the OGRE renderer

Postby _mental_ » Tue Feb 15, 2005 05:08

CE, you have now got write access to Samples/Common/CEGUIRenderer.

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Re: Moving the OGRE renderer

Postby CrazyEddie » Tue Feb 15, 2005 09:06

Thanks :)

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Re: Moving the OGRE renderer

Postby CrazyEddie » Tue Feb 15, 2005 09:27

Exsortis wrote:
Just committed OS X changes on release-0_2_0 branch:

- added OpenGL renderer
- removed Ogre renderer
- added a couple of recently-added files to the project


Cool. I'll get things underway for the 0.2.0 release packages tomorrow probably, and should be able to get them out for download by Friday.


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Re: Moving the OGRE renderer

Postby Mistaril » Tue Feb 15, 2005 09:58

Thanks guys! Great work as usual. :D
Kai Backman, programmer, Space Settlement Simulation Guild

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Re: Moving the OGRE renderer

Postby Exsortis » Tue Feb 15, 2005 16:37

_mental_ wrote:
Mistaril, its currently in Samples/Common/CEGUIRenderer.

It's not showing up in either the Azathoth branch or HEAD. SF's viewcvs shows that they're in the Attic. :shock:


EDIT: Bah! I just noticed the v1-0 branch. :oops:

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