Option to disable background of progressbar

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Option to disable background of progressbar

Postby Assidragon » Mon Feb 21, 2005 14:19


making my game I was playing around with CEGUI, and I realized that the only way to do a proper health/mana/etc bar is using progressbar. However, for a health bar, there's no use of background... currently I found doing a progressbar doable with commenting out the background draw line in WindowsLook's WLProgressBar, which works fine. But adding a command to make that programmable might be nice :) it shouldn't take long, either.

(If it's already in a release, then I'm sorry... I have the previous stable release)

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Re: Option to disable background of progressbar

Postby CrazyEddie » Tue Feb 22, 2005 09:50

This is not in any of the later releases ;)

I understand your need, and the request for the feature, and yes it's easy to add, and so on. But...

Due to what I intend for the future, I am very reluctant to add settings which affect the graphical output (especially in the base class). I might be convinced to add such settings to the current 'look' modules, though that would mean including headers for, and linking to those modules directly (which generally is not a usage pattern I encourage).

I could put these in now but in a 'pre-depreciated' state, as I would remove them again in a few months time.


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