
For help with anything that CEGUI doesn't offer straight out-of-the-box, e.g.:
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Postby CrazyEddie » Sat Jul 17, 2004 23:31

...you're right, it should work out of the box. The strange thing is I pointed ogremain.lib build to use the freetype2 that I built myself... and it worked!

Cool :)

I'm really not all that familiar with the windows dev environment. I usually till now write console apps for things I do. So the whole windows dependency thing makes no sense to me right now. I don't really know what the difference in a multithreaded DLL and non threaded DLL is. I guess the multithreaded is reentrant, while the other is not. So I guess that means for MT DLL all sublibs compiled to it, they must be built reentrant too? Or maybe only the dynamic ones?

None of these things really required multithreading support as such. The main issue is the way the Win32 platform handles certain things. Each module (exe, dll, etc) get's its own heap, and obviously during the course of any program running, memory gets allocated and deallocated, and all this is normal, but Win32 does not like it when memory is allocated on one heap and then later deallocated on another (which can happen from something as innocent as modifying a std::string), the solution to this problem is to use a dll runtime, and ensure that all linked modules for an application are using the same one (this ensures that all allocations and deallocations of memory occur on the same heap - that of the runtime dll's).

But I am still hammering away on getting all of the plugin libraries to build; they don't work yet. :(

Hmmm... Could be those 2005 issues that someone mentioned on the Ogre forums. Not sure if anybody actually managed it in the end (you may well be the first! :D).

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Postby CrazyEddie » Sat Jul 17, 2004 23:34


I just spotted this post over at Ogre... http://www.ogre3d.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=5298&highlight=

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Postby tulthix » Sun Jul 18, 2004 17:36

woo, tried the ogre compile method using Ogre HEAD from http://www.ogre3d.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=5298 and it all works.

I'm working on a short CEgui app this evening to try it all out.

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Postby CrazyEddie » Sun Jul 18, 2004 17:59

Cool :)

Let me know how it all goes.

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Postby tulthix » Mon Jul 19, 2004 01:06

It works, I rebuilt your demo-7 app in a fresh project. Basically, I had to:
1) get all the include and lib dirs right
2) add these libs specifically: advapi32.lib gdi32.lib user32.lib
3) make sure its set to /md, not /mt

This gui is cool; now I'm back on the learning it/coding it road. Right now figuring out what I need to do to make a window subclass that will handle mouselook. I think I just need to take over onkey* and onmouse* and have things intercepted that way. Then again, it may not be that easy, I'm still getting a feel for the event propogation.[/b]

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Postby CrazyEddie » Mon Jul 19, 2004 04:48

It works, I rebuilt your demo-7 app in a fresh project.

That's great news!

Right now figuring out what I need to do to make a window subclass that will handle mouselook. I think I just need to take over onkey* and onmouse* and have things intercepted that way.

Depending on exactly what you need, that sounds about right.

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Postby CrazyEddie » Wed Jul 21, 2004 10:00

Just letting you know that the VC6 build system is in and working. Probably a little late for your needs now, but it's done anyway :)

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Postby Nihilus » Fri Sep 10, 2004 17:40

OK, I rebuilt these:
2) boost: this built with vc++2005beta. I had to convince it that I was using vc7.1 though, and it gave many warnings, but it did compile.

How did you do this? I can't get boost to compile for VC6 or 8, which are my only two options currently. The documentation on how to compile all assumes things will go just great, yet when I try to compile in 6, it can't find my STLPort (even though it is in the path) and I haven't figured out how to convince it that vc8 is vc 7.1.... throws all sorts of compile warns and never creates the libs.

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Postby CrazyEddie » Fri Sep 10, 2004 19:04

I'm not sure how he did that with VC++ 2005.

As I already said elsewhere, I had similar problems with STL and boost, the command line I used in the end was this (all one command):

Code: Select all

bjam "-sTOOLS=msvc-stlport" "-sSTLPORT_4.6.2_PATH=Z:\STLport-4.6.2" "-sSTLPORT_VERSION=4.6.2" "-sBUILD=debug release <stlport-iostream>on <stlport-cstd-namespace>global" stage

Obviously you need to ajust the path for your machine, and also the libs that this puts out still have the issues we've been having, though hopefully this will give you a jumping off point.



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Postby Nihilus » Fri Sep 10, 2004 20:11

Thanks, CE. That helped.
I've now built boost for both vc6 and vc8.
For vc8 I just edited the boost/config/compiler/vstudio.hpp and changed the unknown compiler check to be > 1400 (vstudio 8's version) instead of 1310 (7.1) and then compiled as if it were 7.1. I'll see if this works, CEGUIBase links at least.

For VC6 I used the same boost options as you, but also added <threading>multi and <runtime-link>dynamic. Not sure if they're necessary. The resulting lib wasn't the same size as your latest though.

VC6 is being unhappy since I installed VC8, so need to resolve that, then I'll see how the new libs work with it.

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Postby CrazyEddie » Sun Sep 12, 2004 09:52

I tried compiling the boost libs with my command line + your additional settings; unfortunately I got the same result as before :(

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Postby Nihilus » Sun Sep 12, 2004 18:25

I've had no luck either. Been working on getting everything working in VC8, though I'm getting some strangenesses there related to my project settings I think.

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