[PATCH INCLUDED] Setting events to Lua members.

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[PATCH INCLUDED] Setting events to Lua members.

Postby kiolakin » Wed Aug 02, 2006 00:56

Ok, finally got it rewritten. Much tighter IMO. And because there
is no more redundant code; it is faster, uses less memory,
and will handle more possibilities than I had originally considered.

It was alot easier to test as well, as a single call will basically chain
through every part.

Here is the patch I added to my cegui 4

I didn't include an actual diff for 2 reasons:
1. I need to find a good diff program for windows.
2. I think I am the only one who will probably do this for version 4,
but once again, if its not in a newer version, I would like to see it.

This allows you to:

It also works with tolua (userdata) objects by doing the metatable

CEGUILua.h - in the private: section

Code: Select all

   /*! Takes away syntacitcal sugar. (!!Warning!!! will change the string you pass in!)*/
   void lua_desugar(String &call_object);
   /*! Pushes an argument list onto the stack...or just comma seperated variables.
      Number of variables processed (or parameters to a call).
   int Olua_pushvariables(lua_State *L,const char *args);
   /*! Uses all methods to get at a table value for a pointer.
      Table index to use. (global or local)
   int Olua_pushtableof(lua_State *L,const char *ptr,int table_index);
   /*! Pushes the value of any variable (global or member) onto the stack. */
   void Olua_pushanyvariable(lua_State *L,const char *var);
   /*! Pushes the value of any function (global or member), ready for a call. */
   int Olua_pushanyfunction(lua_State *L,const char *var);
   /*! Pushes any function, and self if need be onto the stack.
      Number of args generated (did it push self for you)
   int Olua_setupcall(lua_State *L,String call);

CEGUILua.cpp - the modified executeScriptedEvent

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bool LuaScriptModule::executeScriptedEventHandler(const String& handler_name, const EventArgs& e)
      int nargs=Olua_setupcall(d_state,handler_name)+1;

      // push EventArgs as the first parameter
      tolua_pushusertype(d_state,(void*)&e,"const CEGUI::EventArgs");

      // call it
      int error = lua_pcall(d_state,nargs,0,0);

      // handle errors
      if ( error )
         String msg = lua_tostring(d_state,-1);
         throw msg;

      // return it
      return true;

   catch( const String& str )
      lua_settop( d_state, 0 );
      String msg = "(LuaScriptModule) Unable to execute scripted event handler: "+handler_name+"\n\n"+str+"\n";
      throw GenericException( msg );

   return false;


CEGUILua.cpp(same file) The function implementation additions.

Code: Select all

/** Takes away syntacitcal sugar. (!!Warning!!! will change the string you pass in!)*/
void LuaScriptModule::lua_desugar(String &call_object)
   int pos;

   //Take away any syntactical sugar
   do {
   } while(pos!=String::npos);


/** Pushes an argument list onto the stack...or just comma seperated variables.
   Number of variables processed (or parameters to a call).
int LuaScriptModule::Olua_pushvariables(lua_State *L,const char *args)
   int pos,str_i;
   String var;

   String s_str(args);

   int nargs=0;
   if(s_str.length())                     //Deal with each parameter
      while(pos != s_str.length())

         //Pop off top of the list
         //Push the value of it on the stack


   return nargs;

/** Uses all methods to get at a table value for a pointer.
   Table index to use. (global or local)
int LuaScriptModule::Olua_pushtableof(lua_State *L,const char *ptr,int table_index)
   bool done=false;
   int pos,error,nargs;
   String name,params;

   int ret_val=1;            // Everyone but metamethods should return a ptr
   String s_ptr(ptr);                 
      pos=s_ptr.find("(");                     //If it is a function, keep the
      if(pos==String::npos)                  //parameters out of the call.

      //If this is empty, the value we need
      //is already on the stack.
         lua_pushstring(L,(const char *)name.c_str());   //Push this onto the stack
         lua_gettable(L,table_index);               //Get its value.

      switch(lua_type(L,-1))                     //Determine what type this is.
      case LUA_TTABLE:                        //It is a table, we got what we needed.
      if(table_index != LUA_GLOBALSINDEX)     // Remove the old table.
      case LUA_TUSERDATA:                        //A C-ptr, probably has a metamethod.
            throw(String("Syntax Error:"
               +" has no table."));
         s_ptr="__index()";                     //Now we just want this function's
         table_index=-2;                        //return value.
         ret_val=0;                           //Metamethods dont return anything :/
      case LUA_TFUNCTION:
         nargs=Olua_pushvariables(L,               //Push the parameters.
         error=lua_pcall(L,nargs,ret_val,0);         //Call the function.
         ret_val=1;                           //Make sure we reset this.

            throw(String("Parameters to "
               +s_ptr+" are not valid."));
      default:                              //?No pointer?
            ("Syntax Error: "
            +" is not a pointer to a known member."));

   return table_index;

/** Pushes the value of any variable (global or member) onto the stack. */
void LuaScriptModule::Olua_pushanyvariable(lua_State *L,const char *var)
   int str_i=0;
   String token;

   String call(var);

   // Start at the global table.
   int table_index=LUA_GLOBALSINDEX;

   // Do one part at a time.
   int pos=call.find(".",str_i);
   while(pos != String::npos)
      // Get a table value

   //Push the variable on the stack and get the variable value
   if(table_index != LUA_GLOBALSINDEX)

/** Pushes the value of any function (global or member), ready for a call. */
int LuaScriptModule::Olua_pushanyfunction(lua_State *L,const char *var)
   int str_i=0;
   String token;

   String call(var);

   // Start at the global table.
   int table_index=LUA_GLOBALSINDEX;

   // Do one part at a time.
   int pos=call.find(".",str_i);
   while(pos != String::npos)
      // Get a table value

   //Push the function on the stack and get the function value
   if(table_index != LUA_GLOBALSINDEX)

   //Don't push self.
      return 0;

   //Push self.
   return 1;

/** Pushes any function, and self if need be onto the stack.
   Number of args generated (did it push self for you)
int LuaScriptModule::Olua_setupcall(lua_State *L,String call)
   String token;
   int str_i=0;

   // Get rid of syntactical sugar.

   // Put the function on the stack.
   int nargs=Olua_pushanyfunction(L,call.c_str());

   // If this is a member call, push self
   return nargs;

Anyway, hope someone else gets some use out of this.

Edit: To fix a problem with long calls.
Last edited by kiolakin on Mon Aug 07, 2006 14:26, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby kiolakin » Sat Aug 05, 2006 02:39

No response for no interest, already implemented, or just not enough time to look at it yet ?

That little piece of code gave me a headache for 3 days :p
I almost choked when I had to go back and rewrite it clean.

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Postby kiolakin » Sat Aug 05, 2006 05:20

Ok I just downloaded 5.0RC1 to see if it was implemented already. It is almost there..and your code is much nicer than mine :p

But you should still take into account userdata. The way that I am using CEGUI is as a scriptable interface in my game, but there are times when someone will want to hook into a C-function that I tolua out. That function will not show up as a function, it will show up as userdata the minute they invoke the class pointer.

The above code takes into account both lua classes and exported c++ classes.

I actually thought about patching it for you but I don't want to hack up your pretty code with mine. :/

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Postby lindquist » Sat Aug 05, 2006 06:41

sry about the duplicated effort here. your features seem interesting. When I have time I'll take a closer look and probably add some of them to CEGUILua.

the detection of metatables is nice :)

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Postby kiolakin » Sat Aug 05, 2006 17:47

Score!!!! After all the headaches that code caused me, I was starting to think noone cared. :( Metatables are wierd, they push a value on the stack, but technically don't return anything. The above never would have worked if I didn't slip up once trying to debug and put a 0 where a 1 should have been.

To put it in as is, if you want to see it work, just call


where you want to push a table...it will push a global table, retrieve a pointer from a function and get that table, or it will run through the metatables to find the table..it recurses until it actually finds a table to push.

It returns 1 if you need to push self, or 0 if it was a global. Basically at the point where you are recursing in functor you could replace with this. If there is a function in the middle of a call like:


It will also use pushtableof on the variables for that function, get the pointer it returns, and attempt to find a metatable for that userdata..or if its a lua function that just returns a table, it will take that as well.

So then, to actually push self, it amounts to just calling Olua_pushtableof() for self in your table push loop.

The Olua_pushanyvariable is just for pushing variables, it is called by Olua_pushtableof when there is a function mid chain that needs parameters, just in case the parameters aren't global. It can also be used to recurse down self and push it for you.

Olua_pushvariables just calls Olua_pushanyvariable for each variable in a comma seperated list. It's just a convenience for parameter lists. It also returns the number of variables it pushed.

The Olua_setupcall just does all of the above for you, so you are only left to push your variables and call the function. Olua_setupcall will also return 1 if it pushed self for you, or 0 if it was a global call, but if you want to keep your functor functionality, you probably wouldn't use that one. Looking at the 3-4 lines in Olua_setupcall is a good way to see how the rest of it works though.

Edit: Once I remembered my own code a little better.

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Postby kiolakin » Sat Aug 05, 2006 18:17

lindquist wrote:sry about the duplicated effort here.

Well, it is technically not a duplicated effort, so don't be sorry about that. :)

My need for this stemmed from wanting to be able to have a Lua defined gui. But since my key map window will also be in lua, I needed a way to bind OIS::Keypressed to lua events. Of course I am not going to let players have at all my data structures, so that means I had to be able to allow my keypress events to be called in lua but have the option to call C++ functions in the class I give them a global variable to.

So either way, I needed to write this for OIS, I just haven't contributed much to all of these SDK's Im using, so I am trying to pitch in.

(Next week I am going to attempt to modify mozilla/gfx and mozilla/widget to support CEGUI :D ... That may take awhile though.)

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Postby lindquist » Sat Aug 05, 2006 18:59

kiolakin wrote:(Next week I am going to attempt to modify mozilla/gfx and mozilla/widget to support CEGUI :D ... That may take awhile though.)

Sounds ambitious :P but interesting. Let us know how it goes :)

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Postby kiolakin » Mon Aug 07, 2006 14:21

Meh, you know you coded too much on the weekend when you wake up realizing that there is a bug in code that requires you to recompile 3 libraries and to make it worse you have put the code out on the net.

Anyway, I am changing the table part of the switch to read:

Code: Select all

       case LUA_TTABLE:                        //It is a table, we got what we needed.
      if(table_index != LUA_GLOBALSINDEX)     // Remove the old table.

because in objects longer than 2 calls, it would have left a corrupted stack.
I haven't had time to test this change yet as I had to go to work, but I am almost certain it will make the required fix.

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Postby kiolakin » Mon Aug 07, 2006 15:26

lindquist wrote:
kiolakin wrote:(Next week I am going to attempt to modify mozilla/gfx and mozilla/widget to support CEGUI :D ... That may take awhile though.)

Sounds ambitious :P but interesting. Let us know how it goes :)

Well it is that time...(rolls up sleaves) I am not nearly as worried about mozilla/widget as I am mozilla/gfx. Although populating a buffer will not be near as tough as rewriting for a new platform, I have a sneaking suspicion I am about to be asked for a DeviceContext :O

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Postby kiolakin » Sun Aug 13, 2006 22:05

I just patched my CEGUI 0.5 using the functions I posted above and it turned out to be almost identical to the CEGUI 0.41 change...

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bool LuaScriptModule::executeScriptedEventHandler(const String& handler_name, const EventArgs& e)
  int nargs=Olua_setupcall(d_state,handler_name.c_str())+1;

  // push EventArgs as the first parameter
  tolua_pushusertype(d_state,(void*)&e,"const CEGUI::EventArgs");

  // call it
  int error = lua_pcall(d_state,nargs+1,0,0);

  // handle errors
 if (error)
     String errStr(lua_tostring(d_state,-1));
     throw ScriptException("Unable to evaluate the Lua event handler: '"+handler_name+"'\n\n"+errStr+"\n");

 return true;

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Postby kiolakin » Mon Jul 07, 2008 20:09

Whatever happened to this ? Was it ever looked at for inclusion? I am at the beginning of another project using CEGUI and I have to patch yet again... This is code that I can't see how you could live without if you are trying to provide scripting capability to your CEGUI.

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Postby CrazyEddie » Tue Jul 08, 2008 08:16


I have no knowledge of this before now. Lindquist was dealing with it, and he's not active on the project at the current time. I guess there are a couple of possibilities for what happened:

1) He didn't get around to looking. or,
2) He looked and decided the modifications were not what we needed.

If you would like to repost a patch (or add one to mantis), please do so in unified diff format, and I will look it over before the next release. Note that patches in unified diff format is a requirement and not an option; any other form of submission will be rejected without a second look.


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Postby lindquist » Wed Feb 25, 2009 08:06

I think the idea was to avoid providing *strings* to lua as event handler, the lua event subscriber take lua closures just fine, so this can easily be worked around. though it's been years, and I've probably forgotten something :)

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