hi folks,
i want to implement a multiple view widget with cegui, something like the 3d max's multiple viewer. but i do not know how i can do this. i know in java-like language, one need only override a default widget class and implement a new "paint" function to create a new control. so, should i just do the same thing when i want to do my own widget with cegui?
besides, the multiple viewer requires the 3d scene rendered in the widget. however, it seems that the cegui can only render on a 3d scene rather that contain it. so, what should i do?
does cegui support the idea of "layout" or "dock" as java's widget or c#'s? i think this is a very important thing for creating ui that is suitable for different resolutions.
i ran some samples of cegui, and when i maximize the window, the ui scales to fit the enlarged window. but i just want the ui to stretch while the size of every control is stable. so, can i make that?
implement a multiple view widget with cegui?
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