Property List where?

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Property List where?

Postby SuperMegaMau » Fri Sep 29, 2006 23:29


I'm currently developing an application using CEGUI, Ogre and OgreOde as well. With the last release of OgreOde, a new version of tinyXML is needed and I've got to upgrade CEGUI to version 0.5 since the old version didn't compile with that tinyXML version.

So the problem now is that I had to change almost everything in my cegui wrapper in order to use the new version. Some of the funcionalities of the old CEGUI version are not present in this version, or at least I can't find them, ie. the component frameEnable property.

Is there any full list of all the component properties that the setProperty method uses? I couldn't find it anywhere...

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Postby Rackle » Mon Oct 02, 2006 14:08

You can find some/all in the release notes v0.5. Look for the Changes and Porting section, more precisely the Static, StaticImage and StaticText classes section (search for those words in bold.

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