new driver - what is needed?

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new driver - what is needed?

Postby fiammy » Mon Feb 12, 2007 15:49

I'm trying again to write a driver for Allegro, and I'm failry far at the moment in the graphical side of things. However, I would like to know what is needed for a complete other 'platform'. Do I need to write other parts like the Image Manager? Or is that only needed when the driver explicitly asks for it?

Other question : what functions are needed for basic operations in the texture and renderer class? I've based myself on the NeL source, but there is much less than in the OpenGL driver.

Thanks for the help

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Postby scriptkid » Mon Feb 12, 2007 20:14


the renderer should be the only part to 'port' over to meet your Allegro requirements. Cegui provides no input handling, so there's nothing to port in that area. About the image handler; i would advice to stick with cegui's resource management, of which images are a part.

I don't know Allegro too good, but if it provides an OpenGL context, you can just plug-in the cegui GL renderer. But i guess you already checked that.

I can't help too much with your last question, since i don't know the renderer requirements in detail. But looking at current ports seems to be your best bet.

Good luck! :-)

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