CEGUI 0.4.1 (linux, 32bit) crash on 64bit machines

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CEGUI 0.4.1 (linux, 32bit) crash on 64bit machines

Postby ggreco » Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:24

I'm the developer of the Ankh linux port and I have a few problems with it on most 64bit machines.

The binary is deployed with a full set of shared libraries (ogre, cegui, devil, xerces, libstdc++...) to run on almost every linux distribution of the last 5/6 years.

The problem is that it seems that CEGUI initialization fails on a few (but not every 64bit linux distro, the error is always the same, here is the relevant part of the cegui log):

2/03/2007 17:23:13 (InfL1) CEGUI::System singleton created.
12/03/2007 17:23:13 (InfL1) ---- CEGUI System initialisation completed ----
12/03/2007 17:23:13 (InfL1) ---- Version 0.4.1 ----
12/03/2007 17:23:13 (InfL1) ---- Renderer module is: Unknown renderer (vendor did not set the ID string!) ----
12/03/2007 17:23:13 (InfL1) ---- XML Parser module is: CEGUI::XercesParser - Official Xerces-C++ based parser module for CEGUI ----
12/03/2007 17:23:13 (InfL1) ---- Scripting module is: None ----
12/03/2007 17:23:13 (Error) Exception: Failed to create Texture object from file 'elected_office-36.tga'. Additional Information:
An exception has been thrown!

Error #: 8
Function: ResourceGroupManager::openResource
Description: Cannot locate resource elected_office-36.tga in resource group General..
File: OgreResourceGroupManager.cpp
Line: 501
Stack unwinding: (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- <<beginning of stack>>
12/03/2007 17:23:13 (Error) Exception: Imageset::xmlHandler::startElement - An unexpected error occurred while creating a Texture object from file 'elected_office-36.tga'
12/03/2007 17:23:13 (Error) XercesParser::parseXMLFile - An unexpected error occurred while parsing XML file 'elected_office-36.imageset.xml'.
12/03/2007 17:23:13 (Error) Imageset::load - loading of Imageset from file 'elected_office-36.imageset.xml' failed.
12/03/2007 17:23:13 (Error) XercesParser::parseXMLFile - An unexpected error occurred while parsing XML file 'elected_office-36.font.xml'.
12/03/2007 17:23:13 (Error) Font::load - loading of Font from file 'elected_office-36.font.xml' failed.
12/03/2007 17:23:13 (Error) Exception: WindowManager::getWindow - A Window object with the name 'root_wnd' does not exist within the system
12/03/2007 17:23:13 (Error) Exception: WindowManager::getWindow - A Window object with the name 'root_wnd' does not exist within the system

Anyone knows if there is some known issue (I searched the forums and googled without luck) about this kind of configuration (32bit cegui on a 64bit system)?

Thanks in advance,

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