CEGUI setup help

For help with general CEGUI usage:
- Questions about the usage of CEGUI and its features, if not explained in the documentation.
- Problems with the CMAKE configuration or problems occuring during the build process/compilation.
- Errors or unexpected behaviour.

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CEGUI setup help

Postby ChrisYuki » Thu Apr 28, 2011 01:28

Hello everyone, i was wondering if someone could help me set up CEGUI? I downloaded the precompied version, and have NO idea how to set this up at all. What exactly do i link? Do i have to get directx as well?

I honestly couldnt find any documentation regarding to the setup (even in this forum's "useful links" topic).

I'd be VERY greatful to anyone who could offer support! My goal is to render text onto a directx game :D.

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Re: CEGUI setup help

Postby pizzazhang » Thu Apr 28, 2011 02:02

ChrisYuki wrote:Hello everyone, i was wondering if someone could help me set up CEGUI? I downloaded the precompied version, and have NO idea how to set this up at all. What exactly do i link?

Just use it like the other SDK (setup the include and the lib) !
Do i have to get directx as well?

CEGUI support many kinds of renderer, so if you use DX as your renderer it's better to install DX.
I honestly couldnt find any documentation regarding to the setup (even in this forum's "useful links" topic).

If you are looking for some tutorials then you should first refer to the CEGUI wiki (left side in the tutorials, manuals and howto column). http://www.cegui.org.uk/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
I'd be VERY greatful to anyone who could offer support! My goal is to render text onto a directx game :D.

render text is very easy in CEGUI. use a static text set the text you like. also, you can disable its background and frame to just show the text only.

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Re: CEGUI setup help

Postby ChrisYuki » Thu Apr 28, 2011 02:31

pizzazhang wrote:
ChrisYuki wrote:Hello everyone, i was wondering if someone could help me set up CEGUI? I downloaded the precompied version, and have NO idea how to set this up at all. What exactly do i link?

Just use it like the other SDK (setup the include and the lib) !
Do i have to get directx as well?

CEGUI support many kinds of renderer, so if you use DX as your renderer it's better to install DX.
I honestly couldnt find any documentation regarding to the setup (even in this forum's "useful links" topic).

If you are looking for some tutorials then you should first refer to the CEGUI wiki (left side in the tutorials, manuals and howto column). http://www.cegui.org.uk/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
I'd be VERY greatful to anyone who could offer support! My goal is to render text onto a directx game :D.

render text is very easy in CEGUI. use a static text set the text you like. also, you can disable its background and frame to just show the text only.

Im new to c++ (not programming, just the language itself) so i dont have much experience with SDK's. I've only used ONE so far and it was NO WHERE near the magnitude of this framework (honestly the SDK i used was 4 files big lol).Could you help me out and do a bit of a step by step (i know how to link libraries and includes. im just not sure WHAT needs linking, as there are TONS of lib files; im actually not even sure if they link themself, like boost does).

I did come from the wiki btw, i spent a lot of time reading before posting for help (sadly there's a bit of a lacking when it comes to setting CEGUI up). If i missed it some how, feel free to link me. I'll read anything as long as it gets me close to achieving my goal.

Im going to go ahead and install directx i guess (i think thats gonna be a lot easier, as im sure there are far more tutorials/videos incase i get stuck :D).

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Re: CEGUI setup help

Postby ShadowTiger » Thu Apr 28, 2011 03:03

I will give you some advice to get up and running as quickly as possible.

Download the cegui sdk.
Download the direct x sdk.

Install the direct x sdk.

go to the directory in the cegui sdk that has the premake exe

optionally: open the lua script in a text editor and change the build settings (it just has a bunch of boolean values)

run the premake exe

open up the solution (.sln) file in that directory with visual studio express

compile it in debug mode, and then compile it in release mode

then go to the samples folder and pick a sample program, open its solution file, compile it, and run it.

Now you can start tinkering!

I know its tough to figure out this stuff if you aren't used to it, but you have to learn if you are going to survive as a programmer.

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Re: CEGUI setup help

Postby pizzazhang » Thu Apr 28, 2011 03:56

Im new to c++ (not programming, just the language itself) so i dont have much experience with SDK's. I've only used ONE so far and it was NO WHERE near the magnitude of this framework (honestly the SDK i used was 4 files big lol).Could you help me out and do a bit of a step by step (i know how to link libraries and includes. im just not sure WHAT needs linking, as there are TONS of lib files; im actually not even sure if they link themself, like boost does).

I did come from the wiki btw, i spent a lot of time reading before posting for help (sadly there's a bit of a lacking when it comes to setting CEGUI up). If i missed it some how, feel free to link me. I'll read anything as long as it gets me close to achieving my goal.

Im going to go ahead and install directx i guess (i think thats gonna be a lot easier, as im sure there are far more tutorials/videos incase i get stuck :D).

well, if you have the include and lib files (installed or compiled by yourself) then you just have to set the SDK in the VC.
open view->Property Manager, choose a Microsoft.cpp.win32.user and in the popup dialog, go:
c++->General->Additional Include Directories, add your CEGUI include path
linker->General->Additional Library Directories, add your CEGUI lib path
linker->Input, add input lib. required libs are(debug mode):CEGUIBase_d.lib, CEGUIOgreRenderer_d.lib (change this lib to CEGUIDirect lib you will use)
alternative lib:
CEGUILuaScriptModule_d.lib (if you want a lua script support)

also, you can setup a path environment for CEGUI like CEGUI_HOME and use it in your VC settings (just change the path you specify in include and lib directories to $CEGUI_HOME$/include or lib.
these steps are the common way to setup one SDK like CEGUI.
after you setup one SDK, follow a tutorial and try a demo to test if your settings for this SDK is OK.

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Re: CEGUI setup help

Postby ChrisYuki » Fri Apr 29, 2011 10:06

Sorry for the late reply, i've been working crazy hours lately. Anyways i've gotten it basically setup (been fighting with the dx sdk, but i THINK i finally worked it out). My only remaining issue is code itself.

Im trying to follow the rendering for dummies tutorial (lol or what ever its called) and thats proving to be quite the challenge. I believe the code is completely out dated, so i end up having to manually go through the class and go hunting for the correct member functions etc (which is hard when you dont know the SDK that well).

Could someone PLEASE give me a basic helloworld tutorial??? I tried learning from the provided examples, but they rely on other headers and i end up getting confused. I just want to render text using version 0.7.5 and directx 9!

I seriously tried to not ask for this (i really did) but im just stuck. Even if i DO follow the tutorials (i've found SOME that use the current version) i end up with undefined symbols on the first line of the render code for "myD3D9Device". Any help is appreciated, and i promise once i get a start i'll be all set :D.

Edit In case anyone is wondering, im trying to render over an existing game, like fraps does.

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Re: CEGUI setup help

Postby pizzazhang » Fri Apr 29, 2011 10:29

ChrisYuki wrote:Sorry for the late reply, i've been working crazy hours lately. Anyways i've gotten it basically setup (been fighting with the dx sdk, but i THINK i finally worked it out). My only remaining issue is code itself.

Im trying to follow the rendering for dummies tutorial (lol or what ever its called) and thats proving to be quite the challenge. I believe the code is completely out dated, so i end up having to manually go through the class and go hunting for the correct member functions etc (which is hard when you dont know the SDK that well).

Could someone PLEASE give me a basic helloworld tutorial??? I tried learning from the provided examples, but they rely on other headers and i end up getting confused. I just want to render text using version 0.7.5 and directx 9!

I seriously tried to not ask for this (i really did) but im just stuck. Even if i DO follow the tutorials (i've found SOME that use the current version) i end up with undefined symbols on the first line of the render code for "myD3D9Device". Any help is appreciated, and i promise once i get a start i'll be all set :D.

Edit In case anyone is wondering, im trying to render over an existing game, like fraps does.

for any renderer setup for CEGUI check this site: http://www.cegui.org.uk/docs/current/rendering_tutorial.html
after that you should location and create the resource CEGUI will use:
check this site:http://www.cegui.org.uk/docs/current/resprov_tutorial.html
then create scheme and font etc. check:http://www.cegui.org.uk/docs/current/datafile_tutorial.html
and if you want a text in CEGUI just after you've done the things above, create a window:
you can change TaharezLook/FrameWindow to TaharezLook/StaticText which will display text in CEGUI.
Also, you can setBackgroundEnabled and setFrameEnabled to disable the text's background and border which means just the text on the screen.

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