
Wiki has undertaken major changes!

The amount of maintenance work has been lowered and the overall usefulness of the wiki has (hopefully) been much increased.
More details in this forum thread.

CEGUI 0.7.5

We are pleased to announce the 0.7.5 release of the CEGUI library. The number of changes for this release are somewhat modest, though are important because this release features the first attempt at officially supported Python bindings for the core library and the OpenGL, Ogre and Null renderers (this is important because the Python bindings are being used for the new toolset that we're working on). Please note that at this stage, unfortunately, the Apple Mac OS X versions of the Python bindings are not 100% usable, and so the Mac SDK is provided without these extension modules (though they are buildable, for people who want to try and work with them until a future release when they will be working correctly out of the box).

The precompiled Win32 binaries were built using Ogre 1.7.2, Irrlicht 1.7.1 and the June 2010 DirectX, except for the MSVC++ 2005 package, that was built with Ogre 1.7.1, Irrlicht 1.7.1 and the February 2010 DirectX SDK. Additionally, the SDK package for MSVC++ 2005 is built without the Direct3D 11 renderer module. The Mac OS X SDK was built using Ogre 1.7.2 and Irrlicht 1.7.1.


Release 0.7.5
- Added: Initial version of the officially supported Python extension modules:
- PyCEGUI - Support for the core CEGUI library.
- PyCEGUIOpenGLRenderer - Support for the OpenGL based renderer.
- PyCEGUIOgreRenderer - Support for the Ogre based renderer.
- PyCEGUINullRenderer - Support for the Null renderer.

- Modified: Grimmigbeisser's patch improving the menu system - automatically opening/closing popups after certain time, closing all nested popups when their parent is closed and PopupOffset (closes

- Documentation: Kulik is a team member now!

