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I'm a little tired of not finding what properties can be set for a window. Here are all the keys for a nice handy reference.
I'm a little tired of not finding what properties can be set for a window. Here are all the keys for a nice handy reference.
Here are the Window Properties that can be modified.
=== Layout Properties ===
Here are the Layout Properties that can be modified.
Property: [ID]
Property: [ID]

Revision as of 05:33, 27 April 2007

I'm a little tired of not finding what properties can be set for a window. Here are all the keys for a nice handy reference.

Layout Properties

Here are the Layout Properties that can be modified.

Property: [ID]

Property: [Font]

Property: [Text]

Property: [Alpha]

Property: [Tooltip]

Property: [Visible]

Property: [Disabled]

Property: [LookNFeel]

Property: [AlwaysOnTop]

Property: [RiseOnClick]

Property: [UnifiedSize]

Property: [UnifiedWidth]

Property: [InheritsAlpha]

Property: [UnifiedHeight]

Property: [AutoRepeatRate]

Property: [UnifiedMaxSize]

Property: [UnifiedMinSize]

Property: [WindowRenderer]

Property: [AutoRepeatDelay]

Property: [ClippedByParent]

Property: [UnifiedAreaRect]

Property: [UnifiedPosition]

Property: [MouseCursorImage]

Property: [UnifiedXPosition]

Property: [UnifiedYPosition]

Property: [CustomTooltipType]

Property: [DestroyedByParent]

Property: [RestoreOldCapture]

Property: [VerticalAlignment]

Property: [HorizontalAlignment]

Property: [InheritsTooltipText]

Property: [ZOrderChangeEnabled]

Property: [WantsMultiClickEvents]

Property: [MousePassThroughEnabled]

Property: [DistributeCapturedInputs]

Property: [MouseButtonDownAutoRepeat]