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Homepage for the WIP Model-View architecture for CEGUI widgets!


The new architecture aims to unify the underlying implementation of several widgets so that they will use a common base model provider. This will involve a lot of ABI and API breakage.

Proposed architecture

TODO - decide on another concepts than row/column


Identifies uniquely items in the model.


  • row : size_t
  • column : size_t
  • parent : ModelIndex *
  • indexModelData : void *


  • isValid


The model for the view, that provides data like items count to the view. This is implemented by the developers that want to use this new architecture.

Structure-related methods:

  • rowCount(modelIndex)
  • columnCount(modelIndex)
  • makeIndex(row, column, parentModelIndex)
  • getParentIndex(modelIndex)

Data-provider methods:

  • getString(modelIndex)
  • getImage(modelIndex)


  • Rows/ColumnsAdded - startIndex, count
  • Rows/ColumnsRemoved - startIndex, count
  • Rows/ColumnsDataChanged - startIndex, count

TODO: Should we instead allow for a rectangular notification area? Like: startIndex / endIndex ?

ModelIndex Invalidation

Views might (read: will) store indices for a faster rendering or operations on the view. But these indices might become invalid if:

  • the underlying model instance changes (i.e.: model is set to another instance)
    • Solution: Just invalidate the memorized indices
  • an index from the "middle" is removed
    • Solution1: Create persistent model indices, like Qt does.
      • Con: too much management required, prone to errors.
    • Solution2: Query the model for validity
      • isValid will be moved to the ViewModel
    • Solution3: Other?

Affected widgets

Changed (to the new architecture) widgets

  • ComboBox + ComboDropList -> ComboView
  • Tree -> TreeView
  • ListBox -> ListView

New widgets

  • GridView
  • ListBoxWidget (combines model & view together for simple usage cases)

Removed/deprecated widgets

  • MultiColumnList (replaced by GridView)
  • ItemListbox (duplicated by ListBox)

To decide

  • ItemListBase
    • It's used in other places like: MenuBase and ScrolledItemListBase
    • Remove the other usages as well?

Workflow examples

List rendering

  • Create root model index (parent=0)
  • Query the number of rows for root
  • For each row (value=[0, rowCount))
    • Create row model index (row=current row value, parent=rootModelIndex)
    • Query the image to be displayed for row index
    • Draw image
    • Query the text to be displayed for row index
    • Draw text
  • Render non-row elements

Tree rendering

Full/first-time rendering

Triggered first time, or when whole model changes.

Recursive rendering procedure starting with a model index

  • > Given a parent model index
  • Query the number of rows for index
  • For each row (value=[0, rowCount))
    • Create row model index (row=current row value, parent=parent<odelIndex)
    • Query the image to be displayed for row index
    • Draw image
    • Query the text to be displayed for row index
    • Draw text
    • Call procedure with row model index.

Actual rendering:

  • Call procedure defined above with root model index (parent = 0)
  • Render non-row elements

Item(s) modified/isolated rendering

Triggered when some parts of the model changed, but not all.