
From CEGUI Wiki - Crazy Eddie's GUI System (Open Source)
Revision as of 08:43, 24 May 2006 by Scriptkid (Talk | contribs)

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Migration to Subversion by CrazyEddie 11:13, 3 April 2006 (PDT)

We have taken the decision to migrate the code for main CEGUI Mk-2 library and the CELayoutEditor tool from using the CVS revision control system, over to Subversion (SVN). If you're using the stable releases, this will not affect you at all. If you're using code out of some branch of CVS, then you will need to switch to SVN instead - we will not be maintaining both repositories. You will find that for general usage, CVS and SVN are similar, and have similar commands. For Windows users, we heartily recommend the use of TortoiseSVN.

For full details of how to obtain the source code from the subversion repository, please see the page HOWTO: Obtain the library source from subversion

All 'ceguiaddons' projects will continue to use CVS for revision control.

Site Moved (again)

We have now moved the site back to the sourceforge servers, and made a few changes as to the way the site is handled in general - as you have probably noticed!

Basically the main 'content' areas of the site are now entirely wiki based, and we also have a few other bits installed to handle certain requirements where the wiki is less suited to the task.

The features of the new site are:

  • Wiki based system for all main site content
  • phpBB2 being used for community forums
  • Coppermine based gallery
  • Mantis for all bug and feature tracking
  • Single, unified, log-in for all site areas