CELayout Editor - Getting Started / Building

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Revision as of 12:18, 4 September 2005 by Scriptkid (Talk | contribs)

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There are two ways to get the editor. The easiest one is to download the precompiled package from the Download/Tools section from CEGUI's main site. At this moment, only a Windows package is available.

If you want it the "hard" way, there are a few steps to take:

1. Download or checkout CEGUI

You need at least a post-0.3.0 CEGUI package, because of the new Falagard support. For details see the main website and/or the Download section. Make sure you don't forget the correct dependencies!

2. Download the editor code

You can checkout the module from cvs, which settings are (for basic anonymous access):

  • CVSROOT: :pserver:anonymous@cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/crayzedsgui
  • Module: CELayoutEditor

This will get you the latest (wxWidgets) version. You can optinally still checkout the MFC version, for which you must specify the before_wxwidgets tag.

3. Download wxWidgets

Distributions for many platform can be found here.

4. Configure wxWidgets

Because the editor uses the wxGLCanvas, make sure that the setup.h file for your distribution has the wxUSE_GLCANVAS define set to 1. After that, see the install.txt file on compile details for your distribution.

5. Compiling everyting

Note that i had problems getting the application to link correctly with wxWidgets dll's, so i have build wxWidgets as static libraries myself.

Besides, at this moment only Visual Studio 6 project file is availabe, but conversions should happen automatically when opening on newer versions.

For other platforms people are currently helping me in setting up makefiles and such, so watch this space! :-)