This page introduce the use of subversion. If you're only intent is to get the file from subversion you should start with HOWTO: Obtain the library source from subversion which help you in getting the file and compiling CEGUI. This page dive deeper in the use of subversion as a standard user as well as a developer of the library itself. This page presents the use of subversion with the command line tool available for windows, mac and linux.
First of all here is some urls to get started with subersion usage :
- Repository url: [1]
- Repository: That's the place storing all the files and revisions. It's hosted by sourceforge. In Subversion respository are identified using urls.
- Working Copy: A working copy is a local view of part of the repository. You can retrieve a local copy using the checkout command. A working copy contains the file as well as a lot of additional information. The size of the working copy is more than twice the size of the file of the project.
- Branches: Like in
Getting a local copy of the files
In order to get the files from the sourceforge server one can use two command. Both command retrieves the files, however, the second command does not allow later use of subversion to update and maintain up to date local copy.
Repository layout
@in progress@