Downloads (Archive)

From CEGUI Wiki - Crazy Eddie's GUI System (Open Source)
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PLEASE note: if you'd like to build the source code yourself, based on the Mercurial repository, please follow this link.

This site is not up-to-date anymore. Please visit [the new download section of CEGUI].

This is the download 'portal' where you can find specific downloads per category.

Crazy Eddie's GUI System - Downloads

  • Unstable Development Releases
    • Not yet started
  • Current Releases
    • 0.8.2: Current release - Available now!
    • 0.8.1: Previous release.
  • Older Releases
    • 0.7.9: Old 0.7.9 release.
    • 0.6.2: Old 0.6.2 release.

Simple Image Loading LibrarY - Downloads

  • Unstable Development Releases
    • Not yet started
  • Current Stable Releases
    • 0.1.0: Current stable release - Available now!

CEGUI Unified Editor - Downloads

  • Status
    • This application obsoletes CEImagesetEditor and CELayoutEditor. Even though it's not considered stable yet it is production-ready for various tasks. Can handle CEGUI 0.7 and CEGUI 0.8 data.
  • Developer snapshots

CEGUI Layout editor - Downloads

  • Development / Testing release
    • Dev: Current development version. (No updates since 0.6.2.)
  • Current Stable Releases
    • 0.7.1: Current stable release - Available now!
    • 0.6.3: Current stable release - Available now!
    • 0.6.2: Current stable release - Available now!
    • 0.6.1: Previous stable release - Still available.
  • Older Releases
    • 0.6.0: Old 0.6.0 stable release.
    • 0.5.0: Old 0.5.0 stable release.

CEGUI Imageset Editor - Downloads

  • Current Stable Releases
    • 0.7.1: Current stable release - Available now!
    • 0.6.2: Previous stable release - Still available.
  • Older Releases
    • 0.6.1: Old 0.6.0 release.