Ident TODO

From CEGUI Wiki - Crazy Eddie's GUI System (Open Source)
Revision as of 10:03, 10 July 2014 by Ident (Talk | contribs) (CEGUI General)

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CEGUI General

  • Texture filtering should use trilinear filtering, instead of bilinear for magnification in some (!) cases. Need to figure out which cases need which and implement a switch, etc
  • Replacing ColourRect with Colour would allow us to strip all per-vertex attributes for colours and allows us to use a highly performant uniform instead. People who want fancy fonts etc should just use Bitmap Fonts and Widgets can simply be changed to using different Images instead of applying Gradients with ColourRect there as well.
  • setAlpha apparently triggers recreation of GeometryBuffer should be replaced by a uniform instead of applying it to the per-vertex attributes


  • Need to implement MSAA in all Renderers as alternative for the alpha blending AA
  • Need to fix D3D11 Rendering of SVG demo