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You can either use precompiled dependencies or build them yourself (preferred way if you want full debugging capabilities and you are not just "testing" Ogre and CEGUI) - please take a look at the Ogre documentation for how to do this.

Here is a full list of settings required to use 0.8.X with the Ogre 1.9.0 SDK (in this case for Visual Studio 2010)

 OGRE_H_BUILD_SETTINGS_PATH = A:/Lukas/Desktop/ogretest/OgreSDK_vc10_v1-9-0/include/OGRE
 OGRE_H_PATH = A:/Lukas/Desktop/ogretest/OgreSDK_vc10_v1-9-0/include/OGRE
 OGRE_LIB = A:/Lukas/Desktop/ogretest/OgreSDK_vc10_v1-9-0/lib/Release/OgreMain.lib
 OGRE_LIB_DBG = A:/Lukas/Desktop/ogretest/OgreSDK_vc10_v1-9-0/lib/debug/OgreMain_d.lib
 OIS_H_PATH = A:/Lukas/Desktop/ogretest/OgreSDK_vc10_v1-9-0/include/OIS
 OIS_LIB = A:/Lukas/Desktop/ogretest/OgreSDK_vc10_v1-9-0/lib/debug/OIS.lib
 OIS_LIB_DBG = A:/Lukas/Desktop/ogretest/OgreSDK_vc10_v1-9-0/lib/debug/OIS_d.lib
 Boost_INCLUDE_DIR = A:/Lukas/Desktop/ogretest/OgreSDK_vc10_v1-9-0/boost
 Boost_LIBRARY_DIR = A:/Lukas/Desktop/ogretest/OgreSDK_vc10_v1-9-0/boost/lib
 Boost_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_DEBUG = A:/Lukas/Desktop/ogretest/OgreSDK_vc10_v1-9-0/boost/lib/libboost_system-vc100-mt-gd-1_55.lib
 Boost_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_RELEASE = A:/Lukas/Desktop/ogretest/OgreSDK_vc10_v1-9-0/boost/lib/libboost_system-vc100-mt-1_55.lib
 Boost_THREAD_LIBRARY_DEBUG = A:/Lukas/Desktop/ogretest/OgreSDK_vc10_v1-9-0/boost/lib/libboost_thread-vc100-mt-gd-1_55.lib
 Boost_THREAD_LIBRARY_RELEASE = A:/Lukas/Desktop/ogretest/OgreSDK_vc10_v1-9-0/boost/lib/libboost_thread-vc100-mt-1_55.lib

For the following, more elaborate explanation, we assume the Ogre dependencies lie in the main folder of Ogre, so that if Ogre is installed to C:/Ogre, the dependencies will be in C:/Ogre/Dependencies:

  • OGRE_HOME (only necessary if you build it on your own from source code) - e.g.: C:/Ogre
  • OGRE_SDK - if you use SDK e.g.: C:/OgreSDK_vc10_v1-9-0 or if you build yourself e.g.: C:/Ogre/build
  • OIS_HOME- You can set this to point either to your OIS home or to your Ogre dependencies: C:/Ogre/Dependencies

In the case that the automatical finding of Ogre still does not work, you will have to set some CMAKE variables manually. For example, if the OGRE package was not found then you need to set the following variables:

  • OGRE_H_BUILD_SETTINGS_PATH - variable of type PATH which must be set to the directory where Ogre's build settings header file "OgreBuildSettings.h" is located (e.g. C:/Ogre/build/include/)
  • OGRE_H_PATH (before 0.8.3: OGRE_INCLUDE_DIR) - variable of type PATH which must be set to the directory where the OGRE header files are located (e.g. C:/Ogre/OgreMain/include)
  • OGRE_LIBRARIES - variable of type FILEPATH which must be set to the full file path of OgreMain.lib (e.g. C:/Ogre/build/lib/Release/OgreMain.lib)
  • OGRE_LIBRARIES_DBG(optional - if you don't intend to debug or are using CEGUI's "Release with Debug" build) - variable of type FILEPATH which must be set to the full file path of OgreMain_d.lib (e.g. C:/Ogre/build/lib/Debug/OgreMain_d.lib)
  • ( not in 0.8.3+ anymore: OGRE_FOUND - variable of type BOOL which must be set to TRUE )

Set all these variables analogously for OIS, here you can reference the dependency folder you used for Ogre , e.g.:

  • OIS_H_PATH - variable of type PATH which must be set to the directory where the OIS header files are located )(e.g. C:/Ogre/Dependencies/include/OIS)

Boost dependencies are often not found automatically. Boost requirements varied between different Ogre versions and, in addition to that, are now completely optional, but the precompiled release versions may often still depend on boost (such as Ogre 1.9 RC1 does). If you want to or have to use Boost and Boost wasnt found automatically on your system, please set the correct paths for these variables The following contains examplatory paths for the boost library, in this case we show you paths, which work for a precompiled Ogre SDK 1.9 package located in C:/Ogre/OgreSDK_vc11_v1-9-0:

  • Boost_INCLUDE_DIR - This path should contain the directory "boost" which contains all headers, e.g.: C:/Ogre/OgreSDK_vc11_v1-9-0/boost (Set this first otherwise it might erase your other boost paths)
  • Boost_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_DEBUG - C:/Ogre/OgreSDK_vc11_v1-9-0/boost/lib/libboost_system-vc110-mt-gd-1_55.lib
  • Boost_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_RELEASE - C:/Ogre/OgreSDK_vc11_v1-9-0/boost/lib/libboost_system-vc110-mt-1_55.lib

If you now click configure again, the following should be added to CMake:

  • Boost_LIBRARY_DIR - C:/Ogre/OgreSDK_vc11_v1-9-0/boost/lib

Also, Cmake will ask you to add two new paths (add them analogously to how you added the "SYSTEM" libraries):

  • Boost_THREAD_LIBRARY_DEBUG - C:/Ogre/OgreSDK_vc11_v1-9-0/boost/lib/libboost_thread-vc110-mt-gd-1_55.lib
  • Boost_THREAD_LIBRARY_RELEASE - C:/Ogre/OgreSDK_vc11_v1-9-0/boost/lib/libboost_thread-vc110-mt-1_55.lib

Some variables of Boost might still not be set, such as: Boost_DIR, Boost_PYTHON_LIBRARY_DEBUG/RELEASE, Boost_TIMER_LIBRARY_DEBUG/RELEASE, Boost_UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_DEBUG/RELEASE. This is not a cause for worry as they are not required for Ogre. They are only required if you want to build pyCEGUI (CEGUI with python bindings) or the CEGUI unit tests. Unless this is the case, you may ignore these settings.

If everything is set (and you are using boost), click configure again and you should get the following output in CMake:

Found the following Boost libraries:

You should now be able to generate the solution, including the optional SampleFramework/SampleBrowser, without getting any errors.